UK winter 1962-3 in 20CR

Created by on - Updated on 08/09/2016 11:29

The reanalysis provides us with simultanious estimates of many different variables; so we can make rich reconstructions of particular events, if we can work out how to plot several variables simultaniously. For Snows of Yesteryear, we wanted a visualisation of the UK winter of 1962/3, possibly the coldest in the twentieth century in England and Wales, to provide context and contrast for the documentary accounts of weather impact being collected by the project.

This video shows sea-level pressure (black contours), 10m wind speed and direction (arrows), and 2m temperature anomaly (arrow colours), from the 20th Century reanalysis. The uncertainties for this time and place are small, so we can have confidence in the circulation reconstructions, and we do indeed see the southern UK being dominated by cold easterlies, particularly in January (the coldest month).


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something similar can surely be done with YouTube instead of Vimeo, but I haven't tried.


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